There are two types of permits a ministerial and a discretionary permit. A ministerial permit is a permit for which the staff needs to determine only conformity with applicable ordinances before approving the project. This is opposite the discretionary permit. If a ministerial permit is issued, essentially your project ‘skips’ the entitlement phase and goes directly into the construction documents phase and prepares permit ready drawings. The discretionary permit is when a decision-making body is required to exercise judgement to its approval. Given the specifics on the application, a discretionary permit may be approved, conditionally approved, or denied.
If a discretionary permit is required, then an application must be submitted to the governing agency. As part of this application preliminary plans and preliminary reports will be submitted. The architect will prepare the architectural site plan, building elevations, and renderings. 7 Oaks Engineering, will prepare preliminary civil plans and preliminary reports, including the most common, preliminary grading and drainage plan, preliminary utility plan, tentative plat map or tentative parcel/tract map, preliminary stormwater management design and report, and preliminary hydrology report.