FEMA identifies flood hazards through analyses and mapping projects. The information developed through these flood analyses and projects is provided to communities by maps, called Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). FEMA compliance maybe required if the project site is located within a FEMA designated floodplain or flood zone, as labeled on these FIRMs.
7 Oaks Engineering will analyze the site to confirm the site location in relation to the FEMA designated floodplain or flood zone. If the project is located within these designated zones, then FEMA, as well as the local community, may CLOMR, LOMC, LOMA, CLOMA, or CLOMR-F revision or amendment, depending on the design and location of the project in relation to the SFHA (special flood hazard area). 7 Oaks Engineering will confirm the site design to be in compliance with FEMA requirements, as well as work with the team's surveyors to prepare the necessary revision or amendment with FEMA.