Site Layout (Horizontal Control)


A horizontal control plan is the dimensional control plan that provides a system of control that establishes and locates the positions of various points and objects. The relative position of these objects can be easily determined if they are tied into a local control station.

In other words, a horizontal control plans main purpose is to provide dimensions and bearing and distance for the proposed improvements with reference to the existing boundary lines, such as right of way, property lines, or street centerlines. The horizontal control plan ties in the building and site improvements to the site with reference to these boundary lines.

This plan allows the reviewer to confirm the minimum drive aisle widths or minimum path of travel dimensions. Additionally, the horizontal control plan assists the contractor and contractor's surveyor will the dimensional layout. The horizontal control plan is included as part of the CDs package.

Our Job

7 Oaks Engineering will prepare a site horizontal control plan that will establish control and design of an engineered site plan. The horizontal control plan will include dimensions, bearings and distances, line and curve data for the curb lines, as well as confirm compliance with ADA requirements and local agency codes.