Hydrology is the study and analysis of a/or multiple storm events in relation to the existing and proposed developed site. Hydraulics is the study of stormwater within a system (i.e. storm drain, river, or stream). A hydrology and hydraulics report (H&H report) includes both elements and is prepared as supporting documentation for the CD’s.
7 Oaks Engineering will prepare a formal report and plan that includes the detailed study and analysis of the hydrology and hydraulics for the existing and proposed site. This study will address the local and state level codes and will ensure the proposed development is not negatively impacting the downstream infrastructure of adjoining sites. As part of the analysis, we will study the soil type, land cover, drainage basin size requirements, precipitation, as well as many factors to ensure there are no adverse effects of the proposed project and flooding. The latest technology and software will be utsed to prepare these technical reports.